Probabilistic Graphical Models
10-708 • Spring 2019 • Carnegie Mellon University
Many of the problems in artificial intelligence, statistics, computer systems, computer vision, natural language processing, and computational biology, among many other fields, can be viewed as the search for a coherent global conclusion from local information. The probabilistic graphical models framework provides an unified view for this wide range of problems, enables efficient inference, decision-making and learning in problems with a very large number of attributes and huge datasets. This graduate-level course will provide you with a strong foundation for both applying graphical models to complex problems and for addressing core research topics in graphical models.
- Time: Monday/Wednesday 12:00-1:20 pm
- Location: Posner Hall 152
- Discussion: Piazza
- HW submission: Gradescope
- Online lectures: The lectures will be live-streamed through Panopto, recorded, and made available on YouTube.
- Contact: Students should ask all course-related questions on Piazza, where you will also find announcements. For external enquiries, personal matters, or in emergencies, you can email us at 10708-instructor@cs.cmu.edu.

- Instructor Eric P. Xing
- Email: epxing@cs.cmu.edu
- Office hours: Monday 1:30-2:30pm, GHC 8101

- Head GSI Maruan Al-Shedivat
- Email: alshedivat@cs.cmu.edu
- Office hours: Wednesday 6-7pm, GHC 8115

- GSI Lisa Lee
- Email: lslee@cs.cmu.edu
- Office hours: Monday 6-7pm, GHC 8011

- GSI Xun Zheng
- Email: xunzheng@cs.cmu.edu
- Office hours: Friday 4-5pm, GHC 8013

- GSI Hao Zhang
- Email: hao@cs.cmu.edu
- Office hours: Friday 12-1pm, NSH 4225

- GSI Paul Liang
- Email: pliang@cs.cmu.edu
- Office hours: Thursday 5-6pm, GHC 8011
Apr 25, 2019 | Project presentation guidelines have been posted. Please submit a PDF version of your posters on Gradescope by 11:59 PM on Apr 29. Poster session will take place on Tuesday, Apr 30, 3-5 pm. |
Apr 8, 2019 | Homework 4 has been released. Due: 11:59 PM on Apr 24. Submit on Gradescope. |
Mar 22, 2019 | Project midway report submission form is up on Gradescope and due by 11:59 PM on Mar 29. |
Mar 18, 2019 | Homework 3 has been released. Due: 11:59 PM on Apr 3. Submit on Gradescope. |
Feb 22, 2019 | Homework 2 has been released. Due: 11:59 PM on Mar 11. Submit on Gradescope. |